The Actuarial Job Market and Remuneration

  • The Actuarial Job Market and Remuneration

    Sep 24, 2014

    Following a very successful event in Melbourne, which recorded the highest turnout for a Melbourne Young Actuaries Program event (72 attendees), we are looking forward to hosting the Young Actuaries Program event on Wednesday 30th July at 5.30pm. The focus of the discussion will be to help the attendees make the most informed decisions on their respective career paths and we will be discussing the following topics:

    • The Sydney actuarial job market
      Lots of people are changing roles – wonder why?
    • Remuneration trends for different practice areas and experience levels
      Are you remunerated in line with the market and your peers?
    • Overseas opportunities
      Have you considered moving to Asia or elsewhere?
    • Non-traditional opportunities for actuaries
      Ever wondered where else you could apply your actuarial skill set?

    Given the current shortage of actuaries/actuarial analysts, especially in life insurance, the remuneration increases seen in the last year have been very significant. It goes to show that actuarial skill set is highly sought after even during these troubled and lean times for life insurance. There are some positive trends in other sectors too.

    Look forward to seeing you all there.

    Jas Singh has over ten years actuarial experience in life insurance, non‑life insurance and wealth management, both in Australia and the UK. He is currently a member of the Commercial Actuarial Practice Faculty and Life Insurance Assessments Project. Jas entered actuarial recruitment in 2011 and has established himself as a leading and widely respected consultant in the Australian market.

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