Professional Standards and Guidance

The Actuaries Institute is committed to promoting and maintaining a high standard of actuarial practice, both for the protection of the public and the reputation of the actuarial profession. We do this by providing quality practice guidance and maintaining and enforcing strict professional standards.

We issue Professional Standards, Practice Guidelines and Information Notes for members which impact, or may impact, across the following areas of practice:

The Institute continually adds, updates and withdraws PPDs based on advice from the practice committees.  Further, each practice committee is required to annually attest to the relevance and currency of their practice area’s PPDs no matter the year in which the PPD was introduced.

The Professional Practice Committee has prepared a 'Summary of Key Attributes of Professional Standards' to provide Members with a quick reference guide to the Institute’s suite of Professional Standards.

View Summary of Key Attributes of Professional Standards document and associated Explanatory Memorandum

View a copy of the current Actuaries Institute Constitution.