Becoming an Accredited Member

Accredited members are actuaries who have qualified overseas.

The Actuaries Institute currently holds mutual recognition agreements with the following actuarial associations:

  • Actuarial Society of South Africa (ASSA)
  • Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA)
  • Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS)
  • Institute of Actuaries of India (IAI)
  • Institute of Actuaries of Japan (IAJ)
  • Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA)
  • New Zealand Society of Actuaries (NZSA)
  • Society of Actuaries (SoA)
  • Society of Actuaries in Ireland (SAI)

Fellows of the above associations may be accepted as accredited members of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia subject to satisfying the following conditions:

  • The applicant must have qualified as a Fellow by examination, and be a current financial Fellow, of one of the above-mentioned bodies;
  • The applicant is required to have been resident and working in Australia for at least six months and gained suitable experience in local actuarial practice;
  • The applicant is required to have passed a recognised Professionalism Course within the previous five years (or earlier at the discretion of the Council). Recognised Professionalism Courses include the Actuaries Institute's Professionalism eLearning Course or the above-mentioned associations; and
  • One of the Fellows signing the nomination form must sign a Statement of Responsibility declaring the applicant understands the Code of Professional Conduct, all Professional Standards and mandatory Guidance Notes.

Those who have qualified through actuarial associations that have not signed a mutual recognition agreement with the Institute may apply for special consideration for accredited membership. Such applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Council, on the recommendation of the Institute's Chief Executive Officer. The process involves determining the equivalence of the respective education qualification pathways.

For more information about applying for accredited membership based on qualification through an actuarial association that does not have a mutual recognition agreement with the Actuaries Institute, see the Application Guidelines.

Apply to become an Accredited Member

Accredited members may apply to transfer to Fellowship. See Transferring Accredited Membership to Fellowship for more information.